Youth Volunteer Spotlight: Points of Light Inspiration Honor Roll

Matisse Arnone

Volunteer Iowa would like to congratulate Matisse Arnone for being chosen as a Points of Light 2022 Inspiration Honoree. The Inspiration Honor Roll celebrates acts of service, kindness and civic engagement by outstanding individuals who create change in communities around the world.

Matisse is a high school senior from Iowa City and in addition to the numerous volunteer work he does within his local community, he also serves on Volunteer Iowa’s Youth Service Committee. In this role, Matisse draws on his own experiences as a youth volunteer to provide insight on ways to increase youth volunteering in Iowa.

Matisse became involved with Volunteer Iowa after participating in a focus group on youth service. During this session, he provided valuable perspectives and ideas for Volunteer Iowa’s work. His passion bled through, and Volunteer Iowa was thrilled when Matisse expressed interest in continuing to be apart of this statewide conversation by joining the Youth Service Committee. Despite having only just begun his role with the committee, Matisse volunteered to lead a national conversation on barriers to youth service during the Youth Service Institute, along with other youth from across the country.

Outside of Volunteer Iowa, Matisse serves on the Iowa Youth Congress through the Department of Human Rights. He is also passionate about the environment and policymaking. This is reflected in his volunteer experience with political campaigns and the local nonprofits. Matisse continues to explore new ways to give back to his community, both local and statewide.

Congratulations again to Matisse on this honor and thank you for your service!

Read more about this honor and Matisse’s story.

Join our Youth Service Committee!

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